Funding opportunities at national level

Numerous funding opportunities are also available at national and regional levels to support innovative entrepreneurial projects with proven economic, social, scientific and cultural impacts on the territory. Calls for proposals are usually issued by public entities, such as ministries, regions, municipalities, and chambers of commerce, or other public-private companies wishing to support projects of social relevance, such as foundations. 

Our consulting service offers a comprehensive service in the search of funding opportunities and accessing grants through project proposal writing, taking in consideration all the available opportunities at  European, national and regional levels.

National and regional calls for proposals


National Recovery and
Resilience Plan

PNRR is an investment package that provides access to funding through calls for proposals, public procurement, public notices and other procedures.

Calls from

There are a number of foundations that through public calls for proposals provide funding to support projects with high social impact in their areas of expertise.

Calls by Chambers
of Commerce

Chambers of Commerce facilitate business development through various initiatives that promote innovation, digitalization, internationalization and business networking.

European structural

Structural funds, or indirect European funds, are managed at the national and regional levels through National Operational Programs (POR) and Regional Operational Programs (PON). The programs define the thematic priorities under which funding will be provided.


Various ministries (e.g., Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economic Development, etc.) fund research and innovation projects in their respective fields through national calls, with the aim of contributing to their sectoral policies.

Looking for funding for your project?

We can help you find your way around the many funding opportunities at European and national level, and find the best one according to your needs and project idea.